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Price of PAC Polyaluminium Chloride


How much is the price of polyaluminium chloride per ton?


The price of polyaluminium chloride should be accounted for according to its form, alumina content, purity, grade, quantity, delivery address, market conditions, etc. The preferential policies of each company are different, the specific price can be contacted to discuss in detail, and will provide you with the most suitable offer according to your needs.


First of all, polyaluminium chloride is divided into solid and liquid, solid convenient long-distance transport, suitable for field customers, the price is more expensive than liquid; liquid needs to be filled and transported, suitable for closer customers, the price is cheaper compared to solid.


Secondly, the active ingredient of polyaluminium chloride alumina content is different, the price will be different, different alumina content corresponds to different use scenarios, applications. Customers need to inform the specific use, choose the polyaluminium chloride.


Then, the purity of polyaluminium chloride is different, the price is also different, the higher the purity, the more expensive.


Also, there are different grades of polyaluminium chloride, which are industrial grade, drinking water grade and high purity grade. Different levels correspond to different uses, such as industrial sewage, water purification and so on.


Finally, the proximity of the delivery address determines the freight cost of polyaluminium chloride, Henan AIHFK Chemical is located in Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, belonging to the Central China, is located in the traffic hub, the geographic location is very advantageous, the traffic is very convenient, the agency and distribution network throughout the provinces, according to the customer's location to select the optimal delivery network, reduce logistics and transportation costs.


Water purification agent market supply and demand changes in the impact of raw materials, and production cost fluctuations will affect the price of polyaluminium chloride, each company will be based on the number of customers to give the appropriate incentives, especially for large and long-term customers. It is recommended to keep good communication with us to get a bigger discount.


Overall, the price of pac polyaluminium chloride needs to take into account the product characteristics, market conditions, costs and the company's sales strategy and other factors, feel free to keep in touch with us, to bring you better products, more affordable prices!


Focus on water treatment, only for a healthy world! Ltd. is a professional enterprise engaged in the research and development, production and sales of polymer flocculants. The main products are "green water clean" brand polyaluminium chloride, polymeric ferric sulfate and other water purification agents. With an annual production capacity of 10,000 tonnes, our products are exported to all over the country and we are actively exploring the international market. The company will continue to uphold the "integrity, innovation, win-win" business philosophy, to provide customers with quality products and services, and make due contributions to society.